Gateway to summer |
The top of our shed at home has been the hardening-off site for young plants, providing some slug and snail protection not present at ground level. I lost approx. a third of tomato plants to slug/ snails this year- unprecedented! By sticking the bitten off tops into a pot with a plastic bag on top I saved several as they rooted nicely. The sparrows have been enjoying this impromptu "green roof" and bathing and drinking in a little tub of water I left out
for them.
The roof of the shed at home- spot the birdie! |
Despite the sun and good growing conditions a lot of growth has been slow for me this year- I reckon its the compost! We need to get enough good home made compost to mix with the bought peat-free, I don't think the mix of nutrients (if any) is right in the peat-free alone.
We may be luckier with sweetcorn this year than last- in the picture you can see all the slug defences in action: jagged edged plastic bottle cuffs, copper tape, and crunchy dry slug barrier around it. Hopefully the sweetcorn will have a better chance than England did in the World Cup.
Talking of which: when the disappointing games get too much the allotment is a good place to creep off to- and it is certainly looking bright this time of year.
.....and a rose for Julie
I don't really think this year has been particularly good for the plants, Jill. I our parts the ground has been too wet and the soil took quite a while to warm up. It's also a bad year for pests including slugs and snails by the bucketload, Last winter was too kind to the baddies.